Project CASK Grant Program now accepting applications

Project CASK, in collaboration with Orphan Disease Center, is seeking proposals to advance research that supports therapeutic development for CASK gene disorders.
Project CASK will consider applications that will make a significant impact on the CASK community and the prospects for accelerating therapeutic development in one of two categories:
1) Grants to expand the study of disease mechanisms or to support clinical research. At least two awards of $50,000 each for 12 months to the following:
Studies to perform molecular, cellular, and behavioral characterization of animal models for CASK-related disorders.
Proposals to respond to key gaps in the knowledge of CASK disorders that are critical to the pursuit of therapeutic development. Proposals should explain therapeutic potential.
Identification of short-term biomarkers (molecular and functional) that can monitor disease activity and treatment response.
Establishment of outcome measures for future clinical trials.
2) Grants for the development of potential therapeutic interventions. At least one award of up to $250,000 for two years to the following:
Drug repurposing and small molecules.
Gene therapies including innovative approaches that would address current limitations specific to the CASK gene.
RNA-editing or other RNA-based approaches.
Other novel techniques for x-linked neurological disorders.
All applicants must first submit a one-page Letter of Interest (LOI) to be reviewed for consideration of a full application submission. Please specify the category ($50,000/1 year or $250,000/2 years). Please submit your LOI by February 16, 2024.
Letters of Interest (LOIs) are due no later than FRIDAY, FEBRAURY 16, 2024, by 8pm EST.
Grant criteria, the entire RFA, and additional program details can be found here. This Request for Applications (RFA) is open to all individuals holding a faculty-level appointment at an academic institution or a senior position at a non-profit institution or foundation. Researchers with no prior experience with IQSEC2 are encouraged to apply.
If you are not directly interested in this grant program, please share these funding opportunities with anyone who may be interested in this area of research. All applicants must first submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) to be reviewed for consideration of an invitation to submit a full application. LOIs are due no later than the date indicated above. Instructions for submitting the LOI, including how to upload the letter, are in the RFA available here.

Director, JumpStart Program – Orphan Disease Center Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania