PRISMS Creates Awareness for Smith-Magenis Syndrome on Smith-Magenis Syndrome Awareness Day

Each year, on November 17, PRISMS (Parent and Researcher Interested in Smith-Magenis Syndrome) celebrates International Smith-Magenis Syndrome Awareness Day with the entire SMS community.
This annual event is a chance for the entire SMS community to unite and raise awareness about this rare condition. Every November, PRISMS encourages the community to take action, raise awareness, and get involved.
PRISMS is dedicated to providing information and support to families of persons with Smith-Magenis Syndrome, sponsoring research, and fostering partnerships with professionals to increase awareness and understanding of SMS. As a leader in the SMS community, PRISMS strives to engage, inspire, and support families, physicians, educators, researchers, and others so they can improve the lives of everyone affected by SMS.
You can find more information about Smith-Magenis Syndrome at